June 2020
Enrolment at STEM ACADEMY PTY LTD (ACN 635 993 814) trading as STEM Club (“STEM CLUB”) is subject to the Terms and Conditions set out below: Definitions Schoolteacher: Refers to a person whom is undertaking or seeking to undertake a professional development course with STEM CLUB. Student: Refers to a person whom is undertaking or seeking to undertake an educational course with STEM CLUB. Teaching staff: Refers to a person providing the educational services to students and Schoolteachers on behalf of STEM CLUB. A- Enrolment Class Term 1. STEM CLUB provides educational services to Students and Schoolteachers during terms throughout the year. Each term runs for a period of approximately two months. 2. During the term, STEM CLUB offers classes that operate on a weekly basis. 3. Prior to the commencement of each term, STEM CLUB will update its website to provide listings about the upcoming term, including: a. The dates the term will operate; b. The day and time that classes will operate for the term; and c. The cost of enrolment in the classes for the term. 4. As part of the enrolment process, the Student’s parent, guardian or carer, or if seeking to undertake professional development classes, a Schoolteacher, will need to review the listings from STEM CLUB’s website to identify the class/es in which they intend to enrol for the term. 5. The Student’s parent, guardian or carer will need to complete a “Student Enrolment & Acceptance of Terms & Conditions” form confirming the educational class/es they seek to undertake, and lodge it with STEM CLUB prior to the commencement of the term. 6. A Schoolteacher will need to complete a “Schoolteacher Enrolment & Acceptance of Terms and Conditions” form confirming the professional development class/es they seek to undertake, and lodge it with STEM CLUB prior to the commencement of the term. 7. Enrolment in the classes listed by STEM CLUB are subject to availability. 8. Once STEM CLUB has reviewed all enrolment forms received for the respective classes, it will send out electronic confirmation of whether an application for enrolment has been accepted. This confirmation will provide all details of the enrolment including the name of the class and the day and time on which it will be run for the duration of the term. B- Cancellation of Class and Public Holidays 1. If a class falls on a public holiday, STEM CLUB will notify the enrolled Students or Schoolteachers via the nominated email address at the time of enrolment, of any arrangements made as a result of class being unable to proceed. This may include the class content being taught over a shorter term, an alternative class time being scheduled or fees being reduced to reflect the class running for one less week. 2. If a class needs to be cancelled by STEM CLUB due to an emergency arising or due to Teaching staff illness, or some other reason beyond STEM CLUB’s control, STEM CLUB will seek to make arrangements for a make-up class to be scheduled, and/or otherwise for materials and class work to be provided to the enrollee via the email address nominated on the Enrolment & Acceptance of Terms & Conditions form. 3. If a class cannot be rescheduled, the enrolled Schoolteacher or the Student’s parent, guardian or carer can elect to receive a refund for that class or alternatively to receive a credit that can be applied towards any future enrolments at STEM CLUB. C. Payment to STEM CLUB Payment of Class Enrolment Fees 1. All classes will have their cost detailed in the listing provided by STEM CLUB at the time of and prior to enrolment. 2. STEM CLUB will issue a Tax Invoice for the enrolled classes prior to the commencement of term. This will be issued to the Student or Schoolteacher via their nominated email address. 3. Payment of the Tax Invoice for term fees must be paid to STEM CLUB before the commencement of the term. Payments to STEM CLUB can be made by: a. Direct deposit into STEM CLUB’s bank account, the details of which are set out below: Bank: National Australia Bank BSB: 082-356 Account Name: STEM CLUB Account Number: 762 724 275 If by paying by direct deposit, please include the name of the enrollee as the reference and/or the tax invoice number. b. Credit card; c. Cash at STEM CLUB’s office. 4. Once payment has been received, a receipt will be sent electronically to the email address nominated in the Enrolment & Acceptance of Terms & Conditions form. Upon request a hardcopy of the receipt may be collected from STEM CLUB’s reception. Payment of Additional Fees or Monies 1. In the event of fees or other monies becoming payable to STEM CLUB during or upon the conclusion of the term, a Tax Invoice will be issued to the email address nominated on the Enrolment & Acceptance of Terms & Conditions form. 2. Tax Invoices must be paid prior to attending class (however, if the Invoice is issued after completion of the term, the Tax Invoice must be paid within seven days). If a Tax Invoice has not been paid prior to class, attendance will not be permitted until the outstanding payment has been received in full. 3. Payments to STEM CLUB can be made by: a. Direct deposit into STEM CLUB’s bank account, the details of which are set out below: Bank: National Australia Bank BSB: 082-356 Account Name: STEM CLUB Account Number: 762 724 275 If by paying by direct deposit, please include the name of the enrolled Student/Schoolteacher as the reference and/ or the Tax Invoice number. b. Credit card; c. Cash at STEM CLUB’s office. 4. Once payment has been received, a receipt will be sent electronically to the email address nominated in the Enrolment & Acceptance of Terms & Conditions form. Upon request a hardcopy of the receipt may be collected from STEM CLUB’s reception. D- Attendance 1. Attendance at all classes in which a Student or Schoolteacher is enrolled is compulsory. 2. Should a Student or Schoolteacher be required to leave a class early, or is unable to attend class for any reason, the class fee will not be refunded (wholly or partially) by STEM CLUB. Class resources will be emailed to the address nominated in their Enrolment & Acceptance of Terms & Conditions form. E- Record of Attendance & Other Personal Information 1. Attendance at a class will be taken by the Teaching staff at the commencement of each class. After the conclusion of the class, the records will be entered into STEM CLUB’S record keeping software, the Meshed RTOManager System. 2. As a part of the record of attendance, STEM CLUB will also maintain information about matters including but not limited to: a. Attendance; b. Progress of studies throughout the term; c. Documentation including Enrolment & Acceptance of Terms & Conditions forms, Tax Invoices and Receipts; d. Copies of work completed during the class; e. Other information necessary for the administrative and legal requirements of STEM CLUB. 3. The personal information retained by STEM CLUB is subject to their Privacy Policy including any amendments that may be made from time to time, and any applicable Privacy Laws. 4. Records of a Schoolteacher’s class attendance and other required information will be forwarded to the New South Wales Education Standards Authority as required by law and policy. 5. We note that the information of Students will be forwarded to the New South Wales Education Standards Authority, or other government institutions rom time to time as may be required by law. 6. Further details about the collection, storage, use and distribution of personal information can be found in STEM CLUB’s Privacy Policy. F- Class Rules 1. STEM CLUB does not consent to any class being recorded, filmed or photographed by any device, including mobile phones. 2. All mobile phones must be placed on silent or otherwise be turned off during class. 3. Students and Schoolteachers are expected to engage with their class resources and materials and to enthusiastically participate in any practical demonstrations or activities assigned by their Teaching staff. 4. Students and Schoolteachers must not be disruptive or conduct themselves in a manner which may affect the learning of others within the class. 5. Students must not leave class unless with the prior authorisation of the Teaching staff. 6. In addition to the above, STEM CLUB’s Teaching staff may have further rules governing the running of their class. Any such additional rules must be complied with by enrollees. G- Arrival for Class and Student Collection 1. Students and Schoolteachers must arrive at least ten (10) minutes prior to their class. 2. During class, Students will be under the supervision of STEM CLUB, however, STEM CLUB will not assume parental responsibility at this time, this will continue to remain with the parent or guardian. 3. Subject to any statutory duties required at law, STEM CLUB, its employees, contractors and agents will not be liable for the care, protection and wellbeing of any Students after the dismissal of class. Upon the conclusion of the lesson, STEM CLUB’s supervision of the pupils will come to an end. It is therefore highly recommended that parents or guardians ensure they arrive on time to collect their child/children from STEM CLUB’s offices on the conclusion of a class. H- Injury or Illness During Class 1. If a Student or Schoolteacher sustains an injury or otherwise becomes ill during class, the Teaching staff of the class or another employee, contractor or agent of STEM CLUB will contact STEM CLUB’s qualified First Aid Officer and/or arrange for an ambulance to attend, having regards to the seriousness of the condition. The Student’s parent, guardian or carer and enrolled Schoolteachers, authorise STEM CLUB to call upon the assistance of an ambulance where it is appropriate. 2. Upon the medical advice of attending paramedics, it may be necessary for the Student/ Schoolteacher to be conveyed to hospital for further assessment and treatment, and in this event, the enrolled Schoolteacher or the Student’s parent, guardian or carer will be liable for any costs associated with the attendance of the ambulance and any necessary hospital transfer, and any other incidental costs incurred. 3. In the event of an injury or illness, STEM CLUB will notify the emergency contact identified within the Enrolment & Acceptance of Terms & Conditions form as soon as possible. 4. STEM CLUB expects that at the time of enrolment, or upon later diagnosis, any relevant medical condition or allergies be disclosed to STEM CLUB as this may assist their First Aid Officer or the paramedics in treating the Student or Schoolteacher in the event of a medical event occurring during class. 5. STEM CLUB will not issue any medication to Students or Schoolteachers enrolled in their classes, unless otherwise in an event of an absolute medical emergency, and in this circumstance, it will only be administered by STEM CLUB’s qualified First Aid Officer. Enrolled Schoolteachers and Students’ parents, guardians or carers authorise and consent to the administration of medication in this circumstance. 6. A Student’s parent, guardian or carer, or an enrolled Schoolteacher will not hold STEM CLUB or any of its employees, contractors or agents responsible for any reasonable treatment provided with due care and skill, or medication administered during a medical emergency or event, including falling ill and sustaining injury. 7. Students and Schoolteachers should not attend their class if they are unwell. They should notify their Teaching staff or STEM CLUB in advance, where possible, so that arrangements can be made for the class resources to be emailed to their nominated email address.